本广告/促销材料中包含的图片,图像和绘图不会显示开发的阶段或其周边地区。供应商建议潜在的购买者进行现场访问,以便更好地了解开发区,周边环境和附近的公共设施。建议潜在购买者提到有关开发阶段的任何信息的销售手册。供应商:MTR CORPORATION LIMITED香港香港有限公司(作为“OWNER”),FAST NEW LIMITEDS股份有限公司(作为所订婚的人)。(注意:“所有者”表示发展阶段的法律或有益所有人,以及“人为所订的人”是指由业主协调和监督设计,规划,建造,配合的过程的人。淘汰,竣工和营销发展阶段)。卖方的公司:持有人员公司(MTR Corporation Limited香港香港有限公司):不适用。持有如此订婚的人公司(Fast New Limited股份有限公司):不适用。授权人为发展阶段:奥杨智阳王先生(香港)有限公司Au Yeung Chi King Artur先生奥云志王先生是WONG&Ouyang(香港)有限公司的董事,为该阶段建造承包商发展:中国海外建筑施工有限公司。律师们担任业主在发展阶段销售的律师事件:1。Deacons,2.屠宰和5月,3. Kao,Lee&Yip,4. King&Wood Mallesons。 Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the phase of the development: 1. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited*, 2. BNP Paribas*, 3. Hang Seng Bank, Limited*, 4. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited*, 5. E.Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd.*, 6. Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.*, 7. Cathay United Bank Company, Limited*, 8. Public Bank (Hong Kong) Limited*, 9. Taiwan Business Bank*, 10. Taiwan Cooperative Bank, Ltd.*, 11. Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Ltd*. Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the phase of the development: 1. NART Finance Limited*, 2. New World Finance Company Limited*. This website is published by the Person So Engaged with the consent of the Owner. Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the phase of the development. *The loan has been settled.