



New World Development, a cultural enterprise and leader in property development, infrastructure and services, retail and hotels, today announced its plans for “Victoria Dockside,” a US $2.6 billion, 3 million square feet art and design district on the promenade of Hong Kong’s iconic Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront. Set to fully open in 2019, the mixed-use development will offer Grade A office space, an ultra-luxury Rosewood Hotel, Rosewood Residences, and premier art, design and leisure experiences with unmatched views of Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong Island. The new neighbourhood will reinvigorate the Victoria harbourfront and create a top destination for both Hong Kong residents and its 60 million annual visitors.

“我们致力于将新的边界推动维多利亚码头山,”新世界发展副主席和总经理K11创始人adrian cheng说。“Victoria DockSide将为世界上最令人印象深刻的观点的背景提供一座万花筒。这个新区将为当地人和国际游客提供空间,以便从日常生活的混乱中放松一下。我们的愿景是通过为艺术家,设计师和企业提供空白画布来制作这个世界级目的地的浪潮,以最大限度地提高他们的创造力,并帮助建立明天最令人兴奋的新社区之一。“

Victoria DockSide Masterplan是由赞誉的建筑公司Kohn Pedersen Fox(KPF)创建的,着名的景观建筑师詹姆斯·角落现场运营(JCFO),与阿德里安成和全球范围内的100多个设计师和顾问合作。KPF帮助塑造了东京的罗奇尼山,并将纽约的哈德森院子变成了城市最令人兴奋的新社区。JCFO在全球范围内接受了回收和改造纽约的高线路进入高架公园,现在是该市最受欢迎的景点之一。

维多利亚码头篮板建于以前称为Holt's Wharf的网站 - 一栋靠近九龙和尖沙咀的九龙湾铁路旁边的Godown码头。追溯到1910年,霍尔特的码头作为全球货运和物流枢纽,将城市连接到世界。该网站帮助在远东的门户中建立了香港的声誉,并在城市成为世界上最繁忙的港口在城市中发挥了重要作用。

Positioned to become a new global art and design district, the development’s first-rate design is enhanced by its premier location on the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront and near some of the most important cultural institutions in the city, including the Museum of Art, Cultural Centre, Salisbury Garden and Space Museum.


