512城堡山顶路 - 洪水牛(适用于塔楼5,房屋号1-3和5-9)
516城堡山顶路 - 洪水牛(适用于塔楼3号塔)


已售出销售安排的文件中宣布的木板中的所有住宅物业都已售出,壁板的销售终止。本广告/促销材料中所示的照片,图像,图纸或草图代表了艺术家仅关注的发展的印象。它们不会被规模和/或可能已经通过计算机成像技术进行编辑和处理。潜在购买者应参考销售手册,了解开发的详情。供应商还建议潜在的购买者进行现场访问,以便更好地了解开发区,周边环境和附近的公共设施。供应商:Pontiff Company Limited。每家持有公司的供应商:Ballina Enterprises Limited,新世界发展有限公司。授权人发展:Wong Tung&Partners Limited唐锦荣华先生。建筑承包商发展:嘻哈建筑有限公司。律师担任主人的律师,就开发中的住宅物业销售:Kao,Lee&Yip。 Authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the development: Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (The bank undertaking has been released). Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the development: New World Development Company Limited. This website is published by the vendor of The Woodside. Please refer to the sales brochure for details.