


21. 10月

2018年新世界港口赛历史路线 - 3,358名游泳运动员在维多利亚港完成了比赛






2018年1000米新的世界港口赛开始于尖沙咀公共码头,并在湾仔的金紫荆广场公共码头完成。要在今天凌晨8点纪念赛车团体的正式开幕,枪支举行仪式由香港特别行政区首席执行官Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-Ngor议员主任;劳工福利局局长志议博士;Wong Kam-Sing先生,环境秘书;阿德里安成志孔先生,新世界发展有限公司执行副主席和总经理;奥德昌先生,新世界发展有限公司执行董事SITT NAM-HOI先生;香港业余游泳协会总裁Ronnie Wong先生。

经过一个上午的激烈比赛,国际男子和女子个人比赛的奖杯被赵正志和王毅琛分别以10分45.6和12分04.7的成绩获得。本地游泳健儿冼锦婷及李汉恒分别以11 ' 26.8及12 ' 26.3的成绩夺得公开赛(A)个人组冠军,年龄介至17-34岁。

香港业余游泳协会主席Ronnie Wong先生说:“今年,参与者的入学配额已提高到3,600,允许更多地爱游泳参加的人。我要感谢这些年来支持我们的每个组织。我们返回尖沙咀到湾仔队的签名路线又为湾仔提供了游泳运动员在维多利亚州的游泳体验真正独特的香港游泳经验“。This year’s race has been awarded the “M” Mark for the seventh consecutive year and participated by swimmers from different sectors of society, including Ms. Michelle Wai, Mr. Subyub Lee, Mr. Daniel Lee, Ms. Rosanna Yu, Ms. Stephanie Au, Ms. Yvette Kong, Mr. Derick Ng and others. It is anticipated that more and more swimmers will take part in this large-scale and world-class sporting event in the future.


在K11港口竞赛青年类别,年龄在12-16岁的人,Sum Ka Lok Lino和Leung Ka Ching分别赢得了11'41.4和12'28.1。Champions of the Open (B) Aged 35-49 Individual, Liljestroem Lennart Peter Fredric and Slater Sheryl Lynn, clinched the top titles with times of 12’06.1 and 14’32.7, while in the Open (C) Aged 50 or Above Individual, Lanzone Francesco and Chang Lai Shan Eliza, who finished in 13’40.4 and 18’23.6, took the trophies. In the School Category, the male and female champions were Tak Sun Secondary School and Victoria Shanghai Academy. In the New World Harbour Race Invitation Cup, Yan Ho Chun, representatives of Correctional Services Department, and Wong Yee Ching, representatives of Fire Services Department managed to complete the race as champions by clocking 13’14.4 and 16’28.2 respectively. In the “New World Springboard Category”, Mak Ho Yan won the race by clocking 13’53.7.


This year’s race worked with swimmers to go green through measures such as having an online registration procedure, arranging for green ambassadors to promote environmental protection and recycling at the finish, providing recyclable paper cups at the start-point water stations, and setting up recycling bins.